Saturday, October 6, 2012

fall is here!

So, fall is finally here. Today was the first day it actually felt like fall, which I guess we can't really complain we really had our summer start in April this year. Some great fall food is on the menu this week to warm my family up and getting use to this Iowa weather again, until since we live in Iowa, this time next week we will probably be wishing the public pools were still open! Ha!

But here is my favorite thing about the fall weather in Iowa, the COLORS!!! The colors this week are just gorgeous! I am so excited for all of the fall sessions starting up this week! I still have a few early evening sessions available on weekdays for October! Let me know if you are interested! 515.783.4940

Along with all the excitement of the leaves changing colors...did you notice the big change in Kayelee Photography? Re-designed logo, blog, and new business cards ect! I would love your feedback on what you think!

Stay warm & cozy!

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